인연 (pronounced een-yuhn) is the concept that if you interact with someone, even if it’s for a second, that you knew each other, someway, in a past life. My interpretation of inyeon is that we are meant to experience each other as human beings: holding hands, fighting, conversing, asking each other how the day is going. Something I find beautiful about inyeon is that it can exist between anyone. It is a universal force. I created this project as a sort of play on reality where people can actively acknowledge their position in the world, existing with others.
Styledeck, storyboard, moodboard, playlist, and initial sketches.
Images created for INYEON
Process of shirt making: graphics, custom hand-sewn tags created with raw canvas and lino-cut, check in
Poster and experimental poster laser cut and engraved on mirrored acrylic
Zine design
Surveillance camera created with wire welding and fabric
Final Results
Shirt prints with custom tags, posters, zine, and surveillance camera
Campaign video
Further Expansion
Playing cards, lighter, skateboard deck, and notebook
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